
Anakin Solo

Anakin Solo is the youngest child of Leia and Han Solo. He was killed by his older brother Jacen Solo after not agreeing to join him. Furious Jacen murdered his younger brother. Anakin's master was Mara Jade.

Anakin Solo (Imperial Star Destroyer)

The Anakin Solo is named after Anakin Solo. It was designed by Jacen Solo after Anakin Solo's death. It Is more powerful than other Imperial Star Destroyers (ISDs). Jacen liked using it to destroy his enemies.

Jacen Solo

Jacen Solo is the son of Leia and Han Solo. Jacen used to be a jedi knight untill he was corrupted by the darkside. He killed his brother (Anakin Solo) and took the sith name Darth Caedus. He tried corrupting Luke and Mara Skywalker's son, Ben. Luke saved Ben from being corrupted and help Jacen's twin sister (Jania Solo) destroy Caedus. Luke limped out of the Anakin Solo (The Imperial star destroyer) with Ben. He was far worse than The Emporer.


Mara Jade

Mara Jade Is a jedi who got married to Luke Skywalker. They had a baby who the called Ben (named after Luke's first master). Mara was killed Jacen Solo (one of Leia's and Han Solo's sons). She was also working with the Emporer and her first mission was to kill Luke Skywalker.